(my fan-favorite Banana Man)
So many things could be said about YouTube. I watched so many YouTube videos when I was in high school, like a lot of people do of course. A lot of famous people, like Justin Bieber for example, started out on YouTube before they got famous. Some performers that aren't as famous even started out on YouTube, like Jimmy Wong who played Ling in the new Mulan movie, first made music on YouTube. Fun fact, I've met Jimmy Wong in real life at a Playlist Live, which is a YouTube convention that's held in Florida. I think I went to the first two Playlist Lives ever? So I've met a lot of people who are famous in the YouTube community.
I started making my own YouTube videos the summer break after my freshman year of college. Since then, I've uploaded 299 videos between three YouTube channels. Technically I've uploaded more than that, but I deleted all of the videos that my ex was in for my mental health. Some videos are just me talking about a subject, some are skits that I've made, some are just really random, and some are of me freestyle rapping. You might wonder why I have three channels if I'm not a famous YouTuber? Well I lost all of my log-in information for the first channel and my third channel only has one video on it so far but is meant for me being able to show off my best acting.
I thought I'd share some of my YouTube videos on this blog. I do have a YouTube playlist out their with a top 10 list of my videos that I think are my best ones, but I thought why not make a blog about my videos too.
Here's my most viewed video, which comes from my first channel MrJrbenner at 10,891 views:
In my last blog titiled "Halloween Costumes." I brought up two of my YouTube videos that have me wearing my banana costume. So I'll share both of those. Both videos come from my first channel MrJrbenner.
The first one has 213 views:
The second one has 154 views:
Here are some of my other greats from my channel MrJrbenner:
This next video is my favorite video that I've ever uploaded. I'm not even in the video, but my #1 YouTube fans filmed it for me. I did edit the final product together though. It has 332 views.
This next video was the first skit that I ever uploaded. Brian Ballance helped me make this video and it is also the first of many videos that Brian has helped me make. It has 86 views.
This next one was the first skit that I made with other people in it. It's really short, but it's one of my favorite originals. The girl in this video was also one of my fans in my #1 Fans video shared above. It has 231 views.
This next one was one of many videos Tony Mak helped me make. It was inspired by the pilot episode of the original Twilight Zone series, there was a marathon on TV at the time. It has 59 views.
Here's another one of my favorites. It's also another video that Brian Ballance helped me make. I've heard Brian tell people that it's the funniest original YouTube video that he's ever made. It has 155 views.
This next one was the first video that I made that got a ton of views. It's also the first video that Tony Mak helped me make. It currently has 3,413 views.
This next one is my first popular freestyle video that I ever made, there's many more of those. The skit mentioned is the first one I ever uploaded shared above. It has 70 views.
Here's another video of me in my banana costume. It's a banana version of the Harlem Shake. It has 551 views.
This next video probably has the closest to a celebrity, other than Brian Ballance, in my videos. This video features radio host Joy Summers. It has 3,313 views.
There was a period where I made a video that said it was going to be my last YouTube video. Well... I came back. Here's the video that made me come back. The girl in this video is another one of my fans from my #1 Fans video. It has 86 views.
Those are the videos from my first channel that I thought I'd share. Here are three of the videos from my 2nd channel that I'd like to share. Most of my videos in this channel are a part of one of many playlists that I created for this channel titled JB Roberts. Fun fact, although on IMDB and every where that I've performed I'm known as Jared Benner, if I were to go by a screen name it would be JB Roberts.
This video is my favorite video on this channel from my favorite series, Chats With Gilbert. Brian Ballance practices puppetry as Gilbert in these videos. This video has 31 views.
This next video comes from my Louie Baby_The King series, but it also crosses over with my Hollywood Monster series. It stars Louie D'agostino who I used to work with. I wear my Freddy Krueger costume. It has 30 views.
This third video comes from my J-Busy series. The video I'm going to share was what started the series. I freestyle about this channel. Somebody who really liked the video asked me what my rapper was and so I said J-Busy. Then I made more freestyle videos introducing myself as J-Busy. This video has 121 views.
Finally, even though my third channel only has one video so far, I might as well share that one video. The video is literally an introduction video. It has 31 views.
I hope I briefly brought you some entertainment into your lives and maybe inspired you to want to make some YouTube videos. So until next time, I hope you have beautiful days ahead of you.