Everyone has a favorite number, right? Well this blog is all about my favorite number, which is 21. What a perfect year to write about the number 21, than this current year of 2021. This year has been an interesting year for me so far, but I'm not going to get much into this year until December when I write a blog specifically dedicated to this year.
I must note that I ironically read the 21st story in the book "Grimm's Complete Fairy Tales" from The Brothers Grimm earlier today before writing this blog. That totally wasn't planned at all. For those that may not know, I have my own podcast called "Viewpoints with JB" that can only be found on Castbox and right now I'm going through that Grimm's book in my podcast. This is only the 20th blog that I've written and you might think to yourself why not write about this for my 21st blog. I would've written about this if it was my 22nd blog, I wanted to write about this now. In this blog, I will write about why 21 is my favorite number.

(Me on my 21st birthday)
The biggest reason why 21 is my favorite number is because my birthday is December 21st. Also guess what? My golden birthday was my 21st birthday. I did mention this in my blog about my twenties, but I spent my 21st birthday in Seattle, Washington. I was pretty religious at the time, so one of the things that I did in honor of my birthday was go to this famous church in downtown Seattle called Mars Hill Church. I also got surprise tickets to a live Seahawks game. Of course I'm a Seahawks fan since I'm originally from Washington State. The Seahawks lost to the 49ers, but the experience of being there live was a lot of fun. The above picture was taken at the Spaghetti Factory in downtown Seattle where I had dinner with my dad and grandparents on my birthday. I also share this birthday with Samuel L. Jackson, Jane Fonda, Ray Romano, and other famous people.
December 21st is also the first official day of the Winter season. I was born during a snow storm. They were saying on the news to not go out unless you had a dire emergency, and I was a dire emergency. December 21st has also often been a night where we've been able to experience cool lunar or solar eclipses. The 21st of December is also the last day that you can be a Sagittarius, which is what I am.
Twenty-one is also my favorite number because it's the age when you can legally drink in the United States. It's also a number that card games are named after. There's the band called Twenty One Pilots. A lot of television shows have had at least 21 episodes in a season. Twenty one has both first and second places (1st place, 2nd place) in the same number. There are probably things that I'm not even thinking about at the moment, but the number 21 is used all over the place.
This may not necessarily be a very long blog, but it was a thought that I had going through my head. I hope you enjoyed reading about my favorite number. What's your favorite number? So until my next blog, I hope you have beautiful days ahead of you.